domingo, 11 de novembro de 2012

Viña Seña

Participei de degustações de vinhos da Viña Seña (, de origem chilena, com a presença de Eduardo Chadwick, proprietário da vinícola.

Esta vinícola foi fundada por Don Maximiniano Errázuris em 1870, no vale de Aconcágua, que fica 100km ao norte de Santiago.

Eduardo é a quinta geração da família que se envolve no mundo do vinho. Ele modernizou a tecnologia de produção de vinho, mantendo, no entanto, a sua identidade nesta produção.

Eduardo nos transmitiu a informação de que sua família tinha uma propriedade muito maior no passado. Com a entrada de Pinochet no poder, foi implantada a reforma agrária e sua terra foi dividida. Uma das partes destas terras foi destinada a empresa, que hoje em dia é a Concha e Toro, maior vinícola do país.

O simpático proprietário contou-nos uma interessante história a de que ele colocou o vinho chileno entre os melhores do mundo.

Em 2004, Eduardo promoveu uma prova às cegas em Berlim, com o objetivo de comparar seus melhores vinhos com os ícones europeus. O júri foi formado por 36 conceituados jornalistas e compradores de vinho.

Nesta prova constavam 6 vinhos chilenos, 6 franceses e quatro italianos das safras 2000 e 2001.

Participaram deste histórico evento, os clássicos franceses: Château Lafite, Château Margaux, Châteaux Latour. Da Itália vieram: Tignanello, Sassicaia, Solaia e Guado al Tasso.

Como surpresa dos presentes, o vinho Chadwick 2000 pegou o primeiro lugar, e o Seña 2001 (vinho feito em parceria com Robert Mondavi da Califórnia) em segundo, seguido, em terceiro lugar pelo Château Lafite 2000.

O resultado final do evento foi: 1º Vinhedo Chadwick 2000, 2º Seña 2001, 3º Château Lafite 2000, 4º Château Margaux 2000, 5º Seña 2000, 6º Châteua Margaux 2000, Château latour 2000 e Chadwick 2001, 9º Dom Maximiniano Founder’s Reserve 2001, 10º Château Latour 2001 e Solaia 2000.

Esta mesma prova foi repetida no Brasil, Toronto, Amsterdam e outros, onde os vinhos da Chadwick mais uma vez pegaram entre primeiro e segundo lugar.

A última prova foi em Beijing, na China, em 2008, quando os vinhos Dom Maximiniano Founder’s Reserve 2005 e 2004 ganharam o primeiro e segundo lugares, na frente dos Châteua Margaux 2004, Lafite 2004, Mouton 2004 e Sassicaia 2004.

Pesquisando na minha adega, descobri que tenho um Dom Maximiniano 2006, que está aguardando algum amigo, bom cozinheiro, para preparar um prato que harmonize com este vinho.

Na primeira prova que participei, foi apresentada uma vertical dos vinhos Seña, das safras 2000, 2001, 2002 e 2003. Os vinhos eram excepcionais, sendo a safra 2001 a mais marcante.

Um dos fatos interessantes é que em cada safra foram usadas diferentes cepas, em diferentes proporções, estando na sua maioria presente a uvas Cabernet Sauvignon.

Na segunda prova que participei, os vinhos eram: Seña 2001, 2002 e 2003; Viñedo Chadwick 2002, 2003 e 2004.

O que mais gostei foi o Chadwick 2004!  Ainda que todos os outros fossem  maravilhosos.

Estas experiências foram inesquecíveis.

O vinho Chadwick vem crescendo na pontuação da Wine Expectator, iniciando a safra 1999 com 92 pontos e chegando em 2007 com 97 pontos.

Infelizmente a safra de 2007, ainda não provei.
Fica aqui registrada a vontade de prová-la!

The Berlin Tasting
China, 2008
Beijing, July 8
Wine fond 1 3 Wine fond 2 7 Wine fond 3 13 Kee Magazine 19

Veja 24

Weinwisser 33

Contraseña 36 LaCavi 38 La Cav ii 40 Publimark 42 La Tercera 44 La nación 46 Revista Placeres 48 El Mercurio 51

Press Coverage Beijing
China, Beijing Kevin (1) 21. august 2008
China, Beijing Kevin (1) 21. august 2008
On July 8, 2008, with still one month to go to the opening of the Olympic Games, the renowned owner of the Chilean Winery Viña Errázuriz asked me to participate in the “first-class blind wine tasting” at the Shangry-La Hotel in Beijing. This event was presided by the worldwide celebrated wine critic Steven Spurrier, editor of the “Decanter” magazine.
Among the forty-seven guests from the central part of China that attended Beijing’s blind wine tasting were wine critics, wine producers, sommeliers and buyers. Steven Spurrier also presided the wine tasting held in Paris in 1976, where a new page was turned in the world’s production of wine grapes.
The following is a list of the wines:
Three varieties of first-class French wines:
Chateau Lafite 2004
Chateau Mouton 2004
Chateau Margaux 2004
Two varieties of first-class Italian wines: Sassicaia 2004

Tignanello 2004
Five varieties of first-class Chilean wines:
Don Maximiano Founder’s Reserve 2004 Don Maximiano Founder’s Reserve 2005 Viñedo Chadwick 2004
Viñedo Chadwick 2005

Seña 2004
Since Chile lies in the Southern Hemisphere, its yearly grape harvest begins half a year earlier than the harvest in the Northern Hemisphere. This explains why the Chilean wines include bottles from 2005.
At 11:00am, Mr. Spurrier explained the evaluation method for Beijing’s blind wine tasting. After tasting the wines, each member of the jury has to choose the three varieties of his or her choice and score them from one to three, with 3 points being the best wine, 1 point the worst wine and 2 points the wine in between. The total points assigned by each jury member are added up, and the wine with the highest score becomes the winner.
The blind wine tasting began at 11:30am. Standing in front of each member of the jury were 10 glasses of wine, all similar in appearance, and filled with different varieties of wine according to a previously assigned order. The differences among the wines could not be told by judging their color; all the wines were good quality.
The jury members raised their glasses to observe the color and sniff the wine; they tasted it and spit it out into a receptacle; then they took notes and rinsed their mouths with clear water before tasting the next wine.
The tasting ended at 12:00. As he was estimating the total points, Mr. Steven shared with the other participants his personal evaluation of the 10 types of wine using criteria such as colour, aroma, sensation and aftertaste.
After the individual scoring of the wines, the participants were invited to take a good look at the different bottles, which included: Don Maximiano Founder’s Reserve 2004 and 2005, Chateau Margaux 2004, Chateau Lafite 2004, Chateau Mouton 2004, Sassicaia 2004, etc.
Every single one of the members of the jury was amazed by the tasting. I think they were either very happy for having made a good choice, or upset for having made a mistake.
Which would be the final result? Which wines suited the majority of the experienced Chinese jury members? Was it the wines from Bordeaux, Chile or Tuscany? The results will be delivered soon.
At the end, it was Don Maximiano Founder’s Reserve, from the Chilean winery Viña Errázuriz which won the jury’s highest award, with the 2005 and 2004 vintages taking the first and second places respectively. Italy’s Sassicaia came in third, Viñedo Chadwick came in fourth, while Chateau Mouton and Chateau Lafite won the fifth and sixth places, respectively.
Beijing’s blind wine tasting was an opportunity to prove, once again, that the Chilean Errázuriz wines are undoubtedly good quality wines comparable to other first-class wines from Bordeaux and Tuscany. The Chilean wines have come a long way!
The Beijing blind wine tasting is considered to be an extension of the 2004 Berlin blind wine tasting, where the Chilean wine industry met the goal of progress. This wine tasting will allow wine companies to better understand the Chinese preferences regarding wine.
China, Beijing
24. august 2008
China, Beijing
24. august 2008
The next most important event after the Paris Wine Tasting, is The Berlin Tasting.
At the beginning of 2004, Don Eduardo Chadwick, the owner of a renowned vineyard in Chile, asked Steven Spurrier to organize a wine tasting party in Berlin, Germany. There, Eduardo Chadwick presented his top three products: Viñedo Chadwick, Don Maximiano and Seña, the latter of which was born from the joint efforts of Chadwick and Robert Mondavi, the Father of wine, with the purpose of competing against first –class wines from Bordeaux and Italy.
Among the top 16 wines were 6 wines from Chile; 6 wines from Bordeaux and 4 from Italy. The Chilean wines took the top two places, while Viñedo Chadwick and Seña beat Chateau Lafite and Chateau Margaux, from Bordeaux. Once again, the jury placed the French wines at a disadvantage with regards to the competition; something that Spurrier is already famous for doing.
The results of this wine tasting were:
First Prize: Viñedo Chadwick 2000
Second Prize: Seña 2001
Third Prize: Château Lafite-Rothschild 2000 Fourth Prize: Seña 2000 and Château Margaux 2001
Château Margaux 2000, Château Latour 2000 and Viñedo Chadwick 2001 scored the same rating, and came in fifth. The last places were for Don Maximiano 2001, Château Latour 2001 and Solaia (Tuscany) 2000

A similar event with a similar outcome was carried out in Chile late 2004.
Although this wine tasting does not have the same impact as the Paris wine tasting, it has served to prove that Chile has the appropriate conditions to produce international first-class wines just as the United States. This is not only an important milestone for Viña Errazuriz but also an encouraging breakthrough for Chilean wine grapes.
Clearly, don Eduardo continues organizing similar wine tasting parties in the same fashion as the Berlin Wine Tasting in order to promote his products around the world and to give Chilean wines international recognition.
In 2005, Château Margaux 2001 won the first place in a wine tasting party in Sao Paulo, while Viñedo Chadwick 2000 and Seña 2001 came in second and third, respectively. The Chilean wines continue enjoying a good name thanks to their high quality.
In June 2006, The Berlin Tasting expanded to Asia and was celebrated in Tokyo, where wine companies from Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan were invited to compete. Château Latour won the first place, while Seña 2000 and Viñedo Chadwick 2000 came in second and third, respectively.
The results from this wine tasting were:
Château Latour 2000 Seña 2000
Viñedo Chadwick 2000 Seña 2001

Don Maximiano 2003
Château Margaux 2000 Château Lafite-Rothschild 2000 Tignanello 2000
Sassicaia 2000
Viñedo Chadwick 2001

The editor of Hong Kong’s wine magazine “Jiu Jing”, Mr. Liu Zhi Xing, was one of the jury members. He wrote a detailed article about the event and about his first choice: Château Latour 2000. (Spurrier, who presided the wine tasting, also chose this wine as his favorite). Mr. Liu Zhi Xing’s second choice was Château Margaux 2000 and his third choice was Seña 2000.
In October 2006, The Berlin Tasting took place in Toronto, in North America. The jury panel was composed of more than fifty members, which included sommeliers, wine dealers, wine producers and specialized journalists who flew in from Montreal, Vancouver and Calgary to participate in this competition. This time, Château Margaux 2000 and Château Latour 2000 won the first and second prizes, respectively, while the new Errázuriz product, Don Maximiano 2003, won the third prize.
The results were as follows:
Château Margaux 2000 Château Latour 2000 Don Maximiano 2003 Tignanello Tuscany 2000 Seña 2003
Viñedo Chadwick 2000
Viñedo Chadwick 2003 Sassicaia 2000
Château Lafite-Rothschild 2000

In May 2008, the wine tasting party took place in Northern Europe, in Copenhagen, Denmark. The 22 jury members awarded Château Lafite- Rothschild 2005 with the first prize on the grounds that it was the most expensive wine. The most affordable wine, Don Maximiano 2004, won the second prize and Château Mouton-Rothschild 2005 won the third prize.
The results were as follows:
1. 2005 Château Lafite-Rothschild 2. 2004 Don Maximiano
3. 2005 Château Mouton-Rothschild 3. 2004 Solaia
5. 2005 Seña
6. 2005 Don Maximiano
7. 2005 Château Latour
8. 2005 Viñedo Chadwick
9. 2004 Seña
10. 2004 Sassicaia

In the 2004 Wine Tasting, Sassicaia disappointed the wine critics, who awarded it with zero points, making it the event’s loser and raising doubts about its reputation and cost.
Although the results have varied throughout the different wine tastings, the Chilean wines have remained quite even with regards to the Bordeaux wines, which proves that the top Chilean wines undoubtedly have what it takes to compete with first-class international wines. This not only promotes the popularity of Chilean wines but also places them in the center stage of the international wine scene.
One month before the opening of the Olympic Games, and certainly inspired by this event, The Berlin Tasting finally reaches Beijing, where it will be celebrated on July 8, 2008 at the Hotel Shangri-La.
I am honored to participate in the Berlin wine tasting in Beijing as jury member. Please continue reading the next chapter if you are interest in learning the results.
China, Beijing
28. august 2008
China, Beijing
28. august 2008
The Berlin Tasting in Beijing
i. introduction
The day of my trip it was raining in Shenzhen and the sun was shining in Beijing. The day of the wine tasting, it rained in Beijing and it was sunny in Shenzhen.
The jury registration was scheduled at 9:15 am. I left my room at 9:00 and was the second person to enter the room, where an elder man was sitting down reading a newspaper.
The other jury members slowly arrived, and I saw familiar faces amongst strangers. There were Chinese and foreigners; some exchanged presentation cards while others stood there talking; some were dressed in suits, while others were dressed in wrinkled clothing. There were all sorts of people with different looks. The owner, the moderator and the inviting lecturers had already taken their places and were busy jotting down notes. Yes, I know, I’m doing the exact same thing. There were several photographers in the room; the noise of their shutters and the light of their flashes announced the opening of the event.
Mr. Spurrier, the most influential man in the wine world of the past 40 years, introduced himself. The audience seemed to show much respect and empathy for him; he is an extremely nice person. Mr. Spurrier talked about the Paris Tasting, where he clearly broke new ground in the wine tradition by granting the wines from the United States with the possibility of gaining visibility amongst European wines.
Steven Spurrier
He then went on to talk about the Berlin wine tasting, where the main goal was to show the Chilean wines to the world through a comparison trial. He told us about his surprise when he learned that Seña 2000 and Château Margaux 2001 had both come in fourth place. He recalled that Mr. Chadwick loosened up and remarked : “At least I’m in the fourth place”. Afterwards, he noted, it was Mr. Chadwick himself who was surprised to learn that Viñedo Chadwick 2000, from the Errázuriz estate, and another variety of wine that he developed with Mondavi from the U.S., Seña 2001, had won the first and second places respectively, beating Château Lafite- Rothschild 2000.
Robert Mondavi
The results of this wine tasting are comparable to those from The Paris Tasting, showing people a new reality: That Chile is also capable of producing world class wines comparable to wines from Bordeaux and Italy.
“Education and exchange are the core principles that have driven the wine world; wine tasters are expected to find the wine of their choice rather than simply guessing the type of wine. Exchange is one of the most important tendencies in the world today. Without it, there would be no knowledge. Exchange is today’s goal. Let us test the quality of the Chilean wines!” Those were Mr. Spurriers final words.
Then, British descendant Mr. Edward Chadwick gave a thorough lecture entitled: “A Synthetic Study of the World’s Top Three Production Areas: Chile, Bordeaux and Tuscany”. He began talking about his family history, the geographical distribution of the estates and their corresponding differences regarding soil quality, environmental conditions, and the features of the different wines; it was all very enlightening.
In 1962, the winter Olympic games were held in Chile. Today, The Berlin Tasting is celebrated with just one month to go before the opening of the summer Olympic games in Beijing. We can therefore say that these are the Olympic games of the wine world.
What is the purpose of this type of event? To make space for the Chilean wines in the world scene, allowing for an exchange with other international wines and the possibility of understanding where we stand amidst the globalization process, and to interact with consumers.
Why is the blind wine tasting method used? This method excludes any prejudice and is therefore considered to be the best type of test. The blind test is based solely on personal experience, and each individual assesses the
wine according to his or her personal preferences. Without knowledge of the name of the wine, its score or cost, the assessment is fairer and can even be taken as the final evaluation index.
The Paris Tasting of 1976 that Steven presided turned a new page for the wine from the United States and other countries, changing the world’s view on the places of origin of wine.
In 2004, inspired by The Paris Tasting, Steven was invited to direct The Berlin Tasting, where the results awarded the Chilean wines with world wide recognition. Similar achievements were made in the following Wine Tastings held in Sao Paulo, Brazil and in Tokyo, Japan.
This proves that the Errázuriz wines have a consistent continuity and quality, something that the professional local magazines, newspapers and wine critics have avowed through a number of international articles and advertisements.
Now we are in Beijing. What will the results be? It is worth waiting.
Upon commenting on Japan, Mr. Chadwick noted that the market for the Japanese wine is “ripe and complete”. Whether this is meant as irony, I am not sure, but it is a fact that some of the jury members’ behavior was oftentimes inappropriate: Their mobile phones rang, some answered the calls inside the room, others left the room to answer and then came back, etc. Indeed, their actions upset several people.
“Don’t guess, just taste! By tasting we show our respect for wine, and only then can we take one step forward and respect ourselves. Thank you very much!”
Those were Mr. Chadwick’s final words.
China, Hong-kong Kee Magazine september, 2008
Press Coverage Brazil
Brazil Rev.Veja 07 de setembro de 2008
Chile Revista Veja September 7th, 2008
The Chilean that defeated the French By Roberto Gerosa
The Chilean wine producer Eduardo Chadwick is a mountaineer. So are his wines and 2004 was the year when they reached the mountaintop. Chadwick did his best in the already famous Berlin Tasting, the competition that put his labels at the same level as French icons like Château Lafite-Rothschild, Château Margaux and Château Latour, and Italian ones like Sassicaia and Ornelaia. The results of the test gave Viñedo Chadwick 2000 and Seña 2001 the second place. He compares the challenge of climbing Mount Aconcagua with the contest of blind wine tasting against heavyweights, in Berlin: “In both cases, it’s necessary to loose the fear”, he claims. “On the first attempt to climb Mount Aconcagua I confronted a snowstorm and I had to return, it was frustrating”, he remembers. “In the Berlin contest, I didn’t risk anything, our wines were not well-known so there was nothing to loose”. Since then, Eduardo Chadwick has positioned himself as an ascending star in the wine business. He was chosen by the English magazine Decanter as one of the 50 most influential personalities in the market and they took into account his
production and saw the prices of his wines rise like the prices of the barrel of petroleum, with the additional advantage of not undergoing negative fluctuations. “The objective of this competition was to show that our wines are World class”, remembers Chadwick. “I was surprised because I didn’t think we would win”, he explains with the smile of a winner. After that, he repeated the test a few times, in different markets like Sao Paulo (2005, boys and girls, I was there!), Tokyo (2006), Toronto (2006), Copenhagen and Beijing (2008). His wines were well positioned in all of them. In Sao Paulo, he lost against Château Margaux 2001, but he won the honorable second (Viñedo Chadwick 2000) and third place (Seña 2001). Here, we can’t talk about the battle of a thousand against a million, since we’re talking about bottles that cost R$ 480, 00 (Viñedo Chadwick) and R$ 3.055,00 (Margaux 2001) respectively! “My objective is not always to win, but to show that we can be amongst the first”, he emphasizes. “This shows the tremendous consistency of our wines”. The evaluations, a kind of franchise model that the English critic Steven Spurrier
started in Paris, in 1976, and repeated with the Chilean producer, became the “My Way” of Chadwick’s repertoire. Just like Sinatra who always included this song in his presentations, Chadwick always returns to the model when he wants to expand his business. It’s an easy way to make news, and show the World the quality of his labels. Chadwick says that he learnt with Robert Mondavi, recently deceased American producer, that marketing is as important as production. The Chilean producer learnt the lesson well and became a genius in both fronts. Next year in March, he intends to conduct a tasting in New York, and this time includes two acclaimed labels from California, the Stag’s Leap and the Opus
A bottled dream
Eduardo Chadwick comes regularly to Brazil to present new harvests, to do marketing and, of course, to appear on the media. It works. This note is an example. On Friday 5th of September, he uncorked the Seña 2005 and took the opportunity to compare it with harvests 2003 and 2004, all at 348 reals per bottle. The Seña 2005 opens up with a complexity and intensity that, anyone with taste buds and a nose capable to distinguish aromas can perceive. In the oenologist’s recipe he mixes 57% cabernet sauvignon, 25% merlot, 9% carmenère, 6% cabernet france and 3% petit verdot: more Bordeaux grapes, impossible! Chile defeats France with the same weapons that the Welsh use: bouquets with hints of fruit and tobacco, a full body, and a delicious chocolate ending, always intense. Chadwick commented that the tannins can still tone down; I promise that I don’t feel the need. The 2005 harvest
One. It is worth remembering that the Stag’s Leap, was the wine that defeated the French in the aforementioned test of Paris, dismissing the best Bordeaux and Burgundy on welsh soil. It was a shock. The story is told in a delightful book: The Judgment of Paris: California x France 1976 – The Historical Tasting that revolutionized the World, by George M. Taber, the only journalist that reported the event and wrote an article for the TIME (read the original text) magazine. The film version with Jude Law, Hugh Grant and Keanu Reeves in the cast had its premiere in August in the USA with the suggestive title Bottles Shock (see the official web site).
is very similar to the 2003, with the two-year difference between them. But I think that the 2005 harvest is more seductive. The incredible 14, 5% of alcohol registered on the label is not noticed. Many people complain that wines that are too alcoholic are heavy and too sweet. The equilibrium in the Seña hides all of this alcohol. Besides the mini vertical Seña, a bonus track: a Viñedo Chadwick (R$ 480, 00, one of Chile’s most expensive labels) comes from the difficult 2004 harvest. Viñedo Chadwick range is more classic, a bit more “old world” than the Seña – it isn’t as sweet and it has a sharper acidity. For these and other reasons, Eduardo and Steven Spurrier blindly put their show together with top Bordeaux representatives. The style is the same, and as mentioned before, blind wine tasting is always the final test. To conclude, a refreshing Arboleda Chardonnay 2005 (R$ 85, 00) was served.
Why white wine at the end? Then they started serving meals. During lunch, we had the difficult task of resuming the red wines from above, for irony or provocation, now accompanied with French food. It was sensational. Seña is the everyday wine of the importer Otávio Piva de Albuquerque. Ok, he can afford it. But it can
also be your wine for that special occasion. There is no mistake. By the way, Seña doesn’t mean “dream”; it means “Elegant Gesture” or “Personal Signature”, although it could be called that way.
By Roberto Gerosa -
A conversation with Chadwick
In his conversation with Blog do Vinho, Eduardo Chadwick talked about Robert Parker and with the American critic, he remembered Robert Mondavi (his former partner) and he explained the reason for the change of his Errázuriz importer labels (Terroir for Vinci), he talked about his adventures as a mountaineer and of course, he talked about his wines.
Parker and the American critic
“The American critic is parochial, they always refer to their own patio, Napa Valley, in California.”
“The average American is used to sweet and spicy tastes. That is why they like wines with
these characteristics that Parker appreciates so much, strong wines that he scores with high grades, on a scale that Americans understand well, from 0 to 100, just like school grades”.
“I don’t adapt my wine to Parker’s tastes or the Wine Spectator magazine, like many vineyards in Chile do. In fact, Parker has never been in Chile.”
“My wines are well positioned by Parker and Wine Spectator, but the American critic’s taste cannot be the only valuable criteria in the world.”
“The Americans are mean with their evaluation of Chile, unlike with the United Kingdom, which has a different wine culture, more refined.”
The Berlin Tasting
“A year before, in 2003, we did a blind tasting with our 98 and 99 harvest wines with five grand cru. It wasn’t a promoted open event, but we got the thirdandfifthplace.Thatmadeusfeelmoresecure.”
“I don’t agree that French wines age better than Chilean wines. I am going to repeat The Berlin Tasting in 2014, with the same harvests, to demonstrate our wine’s ability to age well”.
Robert Mondavi
“My two great mentors were my father and Robert Mondavi. When we met he was 80 years old and I was 30. He gave me a wonderful concept of learning. “In 1995, Bob Mondavi saw in Chile the same potential that he saw in the Napa Valley in the Sixties.”
“Mondavi taught me that marketing is a tool just as important as wine production, and it is necessary to make it well known”.
“The last time I was with Bob Mondavi in June, 2007, he was already quite deteriorated, less lucid, suffering Alzheimer’s disease. His death was not a surprise; he suffered a lot in the hospital”.
White Seña
“The initial idea was to produce a great red wine and white wine with the Seña label. However, after trying the white wines, we realized that they didn’t have the tipicity to compete with the great wines from Burgundy, and that is why we decided to compete with the red Seña only”.
“Nowadays, the Chilean white grapes have improved very much, the quality of the sauvignon blanc planted in the coast is much better than 15 years ago. The same happens with the chardonnay. We now produce a fresher and more mineral chardonnay, with less wood presence, like the Arboleda range, with good results”.
The change from Errázuriz of Terroir to Vinci and Lopes’ reaction.
“Lopes (Elídio Lopes, proprietor of Terroir) was quite unfair with the statements to the press and on his TV programs about the end of our association, because he didn’t carry out the work he promised to do for me. Lopes wanted our brand reduced, exclusive, and without an emphasis on restaurants, which is something that interests us”.
“We worked for five years with Lopes at Terroir, and after this time we realized that it was an impossible mission, we weren’t going to be well represented in Brazil, and that is why we changed Terroir for Vinci. We went to talk to them”.
Chilean wines
“I don’t think that wine has to have rustic and green tannins when they’re new. Our wines open up with mature tannins and the ability to age”.
“The world palate is more and more orientated to Chilean wines”.
“Each brand represents a valley, a history. The Seña, in Aconcagua, and Viñedo Chadwick, in the Maipo Valley.
“For the first try in 1996, we were trained for six months, a group of three friends and I, but in the last camp we confronted a snowstorm for three days. The snow was one meter high. We were disappointed and frustrated. The mountain teaches you humbleness, if you can’t confront her, you just can’t”.
“For the second time I was with a group of English people. They gave up but I carried on until the end”.
Press Coverage Switzerland
Nr.: 19552/ve
September 15,2008
Circulation: 5.000 Number of readers: 11.000
Weinwisser Wine & Partners september 15, 2008
Chinese Fireworks A triumph for Chadwick at Beijing
Weinwisser Wine & Partners september 15, 2008
in a Blind Wine Tasting held at Beijing Don Maximiano Founder’s Reserve 2005 (place 1) and 2004 (place 2) by the Chilean premium vineyard Errazuriz left behind French and italian icons.
In the pre-Olympic wine tasting 47 Chinese wine experts – journalists, wine writers, sommeliers (wine waiters) and wine traders – made these two wines their favorites, before Château Mouton- Rothschild and Château Latour. Before Viñedo Chadwick 2004, the forth place was occupied by a Sassicaia 2004 from Tuscany. “Weinwisser” later tasted the Chilean winners, including Viñedo Chadwick’s new 2005 vintage. Outcome: Eduardo Chadwick’s premium wines are world class, even away from Beijing.
2005 Don Maximiano Founder’s Reserve DO Aconcagua Valley, Viña Errázuriz (CHF 55, € 34,90) Predominantly Cabernet Sauvignon, complemented with Syrah, Cabernet Franc, and Petit Verdot.
Dark, dense purple. Finely designed bouquet with sweet prune and mulberry fruit reminding port wine, intense smoke and tobacco spice, mild tar notes, some caramel. On the palate, velvety and dense, with fleshy-sweet fruit richness, warm body and ripe tannic structure, with a persistent cassis and tobacco flavor. Elegant and not thick or over- concentrated in spite of its sweet fullness of fruit and body. Great wine with capacity to develop. Potential for 19/20. 18/20 (drink) 2010-2020
2004 Don Maximiano Founder’s Reserve DO Aconcagua Valley, Viña Errázuriz (CHF 55)
Predominantly Cabernet Sauvignon, complemented with Syrah, Cabernet Franc, and Petit Verdot.
Bright ruby-pomegranate. Complex, smoky- fleshy bouquet with elegantly concentrated fruit, mainly of dark berries. As a whole marvelously deep, complex and perfectly intertwined. Sweet, very tender and elegant start on the palate, distinct prunes, at the end reminding port wine or sweet Douro table wine, also owing to the abundant
extract and alcohol. Fine-grained tannic structure, very ripe astringency. Great wine with enormous ageing potential. 19/20 drink until 2025
2005 Viñedo Chadwick DO Maipo Valley, Viña Errázuriz (CHF 95, € 69).
Pure Cabernet Sauvignon. Dark purple- pomegranate, with brightening up borders. Noble, ripe and delicately smoky flower bouquet with marvelously sweet mulberry and cherry notes, then cedar, graphite, smoked meat and tender beef as well as very fine spice notes – all elegantly intertwined. On the palate, sweet-dry and elegant, with intense fruit flavor and pleasantly smoky and tobacco reminding spice together with a roughened silky texture, sandy tannins, at the end with a still dry-bitter clove tasting astringency. May even now be drunk with robust beef, but will get finer with time. A not extremely dense, but instead very fine Chilean red. 18/20 2010-2020
2004 Viñedo Chadwick DO Maipo Valley, Viña Errázuriz (CHF 95)
Pure Cabernet Sauvignon. Dark purple. Complex, tenderly sweet bouquet with classy spice, reminding liquorice, fig (mustard), dates, peach, and red berries. In time cedar wood, tender leather and graphite notes, liver sausage (in the US: “liverwurst”), tar, white chocolate, white truffle, tobacco, coarsely ground black pepper. On the palate, full and noble, very silky and compact, with sweet fruit reminding cassis and magnificent balance. Dangerous drinking flow inviting to a magnum bottle. A truly great, elegant, enormously persistent and complex wine with long resonance and a tremendous ageing potential. Showing even now a marvelous ripeness of pleasure, but still a wine for eternity. Our tip: stock up on plenty of it and go into raptures still in twenty years!
19/20 2010-2025
Press Coverage Chile
Chile Rev. Contraseña Agosto 2008
Chile Rev. Contraseña August 2008
Gold Medal to Don Maximiano, from Viña Errázuriz
Two Icon wines from Viña Errázuriz, Don Maximiano Founder’s Reserve 2005 and 2004, were awarded gold medals during The Beijing Tasting organized by British Steven Spurrier, editor and wine critic of the renowned “Decanter” magazine. Both bottles won the first prize as they outperformed world-class grape juices such as the French Château Mouton, Margaux and Lafite and the Italian Sassicaia and Tignanello.
Chile Rev. La Cav no9 Septiembre 2008
Chile Rev. La Cav no9 September 2008
Visitors of the Chadwick vineyard include mostly commercial clients or foreigners who are acquainted with this emblematic wine and who are interested in learning about its place of origin or discovering the vineyards and the family history that produced it. There are no established tours, although it is possible to book one in advance. The visit to the vineyard focuses on the history of the Chadwick family, which lived in this estate until 1995. The tour includes a visit to the trophy room of polo player Alfonso Chadwick Errázuriz - father of Eduardo Chadwick- the horse stalls, and a walk along the park that surrounds the house up to the polo goal. This point marks the beginning of the 12 hectares of grapevines grown exclusively for the Chadwick Vineyard and reminds us that this used to be a polo field up until 1992. When the father of the family grew sick, he and his family decided that this soil that
once belonged to the Viña Tocornal, would be planted with grapevines to produce a premium wine. One of the highlights of the vineyard is the wine tasting room, where an emulation of the 2004 The Berlin Tasting was once performed. This historical blind wine tasting was the first in which the Chadwick Vineyard competed side by side with 16 premium European wines, and where the Chilean wines won first and second place in front of a jury made up of specialized journalists and international wine tasters. The history and relevance of this event, as well as its different versions around the world are described in this room.
Address: Avda. Santa Rosa, Bus Stop 43 and 1/2, Puente Alto
Telephone Number: 3399100
The Viñedo Chadwick: An Emblematic Wine
Chile Rev. La Cav no9 Septiembre 2008
Chile Rev. La Cav no9 September 2008
The Berlin Tasting, in Beijing
An Eno-Olympic Leap
Shortly before the start of the Olympics, it was time for a new version of TheBerlin Tasting, where different labels from Bordeaux and Tuscany are tasted blind- under equal conditions -with Chilean wines. As is the norm in such events, there were surprises. Almost Olympic surprises.
It all began in 2004, when an innovative event was organized under the supervision of the specialized British journalist Steven Spurrier. Although, if truth be told, this wasn ́t such an original event. Spurrier had already shocked the establishment in 1976, when he organized an exhibition of Californian and French wines during a blind wine tasting. The payoff? That the new players from the New World shook the foundations of the classic labels. And that Spurrier was enthroned as someone capable of questioning dogmas, including deeply rooted ones. With this in mind, Eduardo Chadwick decided to make the most of this experience by presenting a wine from a different part of the New World: Chile. The blind tasting wouldn ́t be only for French wines, but also for prestigious Italian labels. The first time around there were 16 wines: six from Chile, six from France and four from Italy. The payoff? Two Chilean wines Viñedo Chadwick 2000 and Seña 2001 came top of the list.
This experience has been echoed in Brazil (2005), Tokyo (2006) and Toronto (2006). This year the setting was Copenhagen and, more recently, Beijing, where the first places were amazingly awarded to two vintage wines from Don Maximiano.
The event took place at the Hotel Shangri La, in Beijing. Before the wine tasting, Eduardo Chadwick gave a lecture on Chile as a viticultural paradise. Among the guests were forty-seven members from the hotel industry (food and beverage managers from important hotel chains), sommeliers, enology teachers form Chinese universities and several specialized journalists. In summary, it was a panel made up of China’s most relevant critics. As in the 2004 Berlin Tasting, Steven Spurrier moderated this event together with Eduardo Chadwick.
It is worth noting that Don Maximiano 2005 scored 52 points, followed by the 2004 harvest with 47 points. Sassicaia was the next in line, with 41 points.
Copenhagen and Beijing have been the settings for this wine tasting in 2008.
Chile Rev. Publimark 4 Septiembre 2008
Chile Rev. Publimark 4 September 2008
Unlike our athletes, the Chilean wines won gold medals in Beijing. Two iconic wines from Viña Errázuriz, Don Maximiano Founder ́s Reserve 2005 and 2004
were awarded gold medals during the The Beijing Tasting organized by British Steven Spurrier, editor and wine critic of the renowned Decanter magazine. Both bottles won the first prize as they outperformed world-class grape juices such as the French Château Mouton, Margaux and Lafite and the Italian Sassicaia and Tignanello.
Chile LaTercera 30 de Agosto 2008
Chile LaTercera 30, August 2008
By Mariana Martínez
Specialized Wine journalist
Don Maximiano
Every time somebody asks me why the Chilean wines haven’t earned themselves the same reputation as the most renowned European wines (over 500 Euros), I answer them with more than one argument: That the work force and the land value are much cheaper here; that Chile still doesn’t boast a powerful image abroad; or that our finest wines are younger than 20 years of age. This week, as I listened to Eduardo Chadwick presenting Don Maximiano 2005 as the wine that outperformed a number of Old World icons during a recent blindfolded wine tasting in Beijing, I wondered if it hadn’t been his original intention to answer this same question when he put his grand Chilean wines to the test- under equal conditions- with the finest wines across the Atlantic during The Berlin Tasting 2004.
Chadwick admits that he never imagined they would come this far, nor that they would win the gold medal, not only once but several times. It seems right to say that the competitions in Berlin, Toronto, Tokyo or Beijing (organized with Seña, Chadwick and Don Maximiano, three wines within the 80 Euros range) are not going to raise Chile ́s land value from one day to the other, nor will they grant us a century ́s worth of experience. However, we can agree that the
Chilean wine is starting to be perceived with completely new eyes, and there are hundreds of foreign press articles to prove it.
It is our task back home to acknowledge this achievement. Adding the exquisite Errázuriz Cabernet Sauvignon Don Maximiano 2005 from the Aconcagua Valley (the price of which will soon rise from $45.500 to $69.900) to a collector ́s wine cellar is a good way to start considering investing in Chile.
Valley: Aconcagua
Where to Find It: Specialized wine stores
Chile La nación 31 de Agosto 2008
Chile La nación 31, August 2008
Don Maximiano Founder’s Reserve 2005, which outperformed all of the finest French wines at the Beijing Wine Tasting, was served during the presentation lunch that was offered to press members and invited diplomats at the aged but still vivid winery at Panquehue.
Chile Revista Placeres 8 de julio de 2008
Chile Revista Placeres 8, july 2008
Gold Medal for Chile in Beijing By Patricio Rojas
Don Maximiano Founder’s Reserve
With only a few weeks before the opening of the past Olympic games in China - which have been labeled as the most spectacular in history- a selection of world-class wines made some history of their own. In front of a very demanding jury composed of the most important experts, buyers and business people from the Asian market, Don Maximiano Founder’s Reserve imposed itself as the undisputed winner above the classic cult French and Italian wines.
Beijing’s Hotel Shangri La Hotel was the chosen setting for this event, which gathered 47 guests from the hotel industry, Food and Beverage Managers from large hotel chains, sommeliers, enology professors of Chinese universities and specialized journalists. Thus, The Beijing Tasting summoned a panel of China’s most relevant critics to taste, blindfolded, the icon wines from Viña Errázuriz and Seña alongside the classic French and Italian wines.
The purpose of this wine tasting was to present to the Asian critics the world-class quality of the Chilean wines.
Renowned British critic and editor of the ‘Decanter’ magazine, Steven Spurrier, moderated the wine tasting. The tasting was preceded by a lecture of Eduardo Chadwick, President of Viña Errázuriz, on Chile as a viticultural paradise.
Chile as a Viticultural Paradise.
The outstanding results of Don Maxiamiano’s performance during Beijing’s Wine Tasting is not only an achievement for Viña Errázuriz, but also the most important for Chile, which now boasts a reputation as a world-class wine producer in the eyes of the most relevant opinion leaders of the Asian market.
Much will be said about this breakthrough, as it validates Chile’s role as a producer of excellent quality wines in the major leagues. This has been a very successful experience in a market that is increasingly important for our country, and it has confirmed what Steven Spurrier meant when he said that “now the world knows that Chile produces premium quality wines”.
Results of The Beijing Tasting
1 Don Maximiano Founder ́s Reserve 2005 2 Don Maximiano Founder ́s Reserve 2004 3 Sassicaia 2004
4 Viñedo Chadwick 2004
5 Mouton 2004
6 Lafite 2004
7 Viñedo Chadwick 2005
8 Seña 2004
9 Margaux 2004

10 Tignanello 2004
July 8th, 2008
Chile El Mercurio, 9 de Agosto de 2008
Chile, El Mercurio August 9, 2008
Viña Errázuriz won Chile’s first Gold Medals in Beijing
One of its icon wines won the two first places in a blind wine tasting where it competed with the best italian and French grape wines.
Beijing, the center of attention because of the Olympic Games, was the setting where Viña Errázuriz revolutionized the viticultural market by winning the first two places of this blind wine tasting with its icon wine Don Maximiano Founder’s Reserve, harvests 2005 and 2004. Viña Errázuriz participated side by side with the best Italian and French wines in this blind wine tasting presided by Steve Spurrier, editor and critic of the renowned magazine ‘Decanter’.
The wine tasting was held at the Shangri –La Hotel and its guests included forty-seven members form the hotel industry, sommeliers, enology professors and some specialized journalists, all of which composed a panel of the most relevant critics in China.
It is worth noting that on this occasion, Don Maximiano 2005, which has an average cost of $75 per bottle, competed against wines of up to $1500, such as the Chateau Mouton –Rothschild, Margaux and Lafite – Rothschild and the Italian Sassicaia and Tignanello, all of which were significantly defeated by the Chilean wine.
Thus, Viña Errázuriz repeats the milestone it achieved in 2004 during the still famous Berlin Wine Tasting, when Viñedo Chadwick 2000 and Seña 2001 won the first places and confirmed the world-class quality of the Chilean wines. 

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